Pagá Global Prayer Connections
The mission of Pagá Global Prayer Connections is to gather mature intercessors to collectively intercede on behalf of others and also pray strategically in various territorial regions to change the spiritual atmosphere in our country, by pulling down powers, principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. We teach on prayer and intercession through such events as Prayer Breakfasts and conferences. We are Looking for Generals in to be over regions, Prayer Captains in every state in this nation and Prayer team Leaders for each of the cities in your state. If you are interested please contact us. click above on heading to be link to PGPC website or the services page, for more information.
Total Abandonment Prophetic Dance Ministry
Total Abandonment is a ministry of prophetic dancing where we worship and minister before the Father in total abandonment, offering extravagant respect, honor and total devotion to a Holy God. We offer dance workshops and teaching on worshiping the Lord in dance. We dance at weddings , conferences, prayer gatherings but always keeping Jesus as our focus.
Women Of Wisdom International Ministry
A ministry to women ,by women dealing with issues that affect our emotions, health, relationships, and ministries. We focus on Godly solutions through Biblical principles. We will become women of wisdom, wealth, wit and wonders. Our mission is to help women to plan purposefully, prepare prayerfully, proceed positively and pursue persistently their goals in Christ. Women of Wisdom International Ministry(WOW) will provide education and support to help women identify their purpose and passions and also encourage them to walk in peace, power and prosperity. WOW participants will shift their position and change their perception in Christ, while allowing God to strengthen their character and sanctify their personalities for the Lord's use.